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Software Engineering Economics Masateru Tsunoda , Koji Toda , Kyohei Fushida , Yasutaka Kamei , Meiyappan Nagappan , Naoyasu Ubayashi, Revisiting software development effort estimation based on ... Ranked Conference List - WI II Title Acronym Rank; International Conference on Access Networks: ACCESS: A: Australasian Conference on Information Systems: ACIS: A: ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement ... Perspectives The internet and the availability of content broadly and uniformly to all users has driven the largest wave of innovation ever e experienced in our industry. ACM Proceedings - Association for Computing Machinery Dynamic Distributed Data-Intensive Applications, Programming Abstractions, and Systems. 3DAPAS '11:Proceedings of the 2011 workshop on Dynamic distributed data ... Perspectives The internet and the availability of content broadly and uniformly to all users has driven the largest wave of innovation ever e experienced in our industry.